From my first introduction to LiR, earlier this spring, I was so impressed with the quality of the programs; really outstanding in variety, scope and just the right touch of ‘learning’ which I love
As a new Board member, I am looking forward to my term. The board is diverse, very keen and has been extremely welcoming – thank you. I am excited to volunteer with LiR.
If it wasn’t for LIR, I would know very few people in Nelson. I first joined because I liked the idea of continuing learning. The social aspect was an unexpected bonus for me.
I joined the social committee and the safety committee because I like to volunteer and because after a few Friday sessions I realized how much effort people put into LIR, and into all of us who attend. It’s great to give back, even minimally.
I enjoy all the social connections that come with being a member. Volunteering with LiR is also something I really enjoy.
I appreciate being a member of LIR because of social connections, taking multi-session courses and attending Friday presentations. Volunteering gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
I appreciate the classes on Zoom. The social connection has really helped me get through the winter. Volunteering for the social committee has been a wonderful experience working as a team and getting to know others.
LiR must be great or I wouldn’t be constantly bragging about it, and persuading strangers to join. Be a committee member and you will meet too many friends – which is good, right?
Being a member of LiR has allowed me to meet many interesting and interested people here in Nelson. Being new here it felt like I could belong to this community while stimulating my mind with excellent Friday morning sessions and multi-day courses as well as having meaningful social contact with so many other retirees.
Being on the social committee lets me contribute to LiR and develops a closer connection with fellow volunteers. This experience heightens my appreciation of the work all of the committees do. And as always, “The more you put in, the more you get out.” We are mutually supportive and have a lot of fun planning and attending social functions.
The total [tech] team carries with it an ethos to share and build within everyone’s strengths and challenges. When things work within this spirit of nurturing growth, the magic happens.
I joined LiR when I returned to Nelson after I retired. I joined to participate in a BBQ course at Lakeside Park. What I found was a very active, diverse, interested and interesting group of people who have chosen to come together to learn, share, challenge and enjoy together. And I have been so impressed how this group of people worked together to provide amazing programs, online during this COVID crisis. They learned together how to provide presentations on Zoom, taught us all how to access them and supported the presenters during the whole process. A true testament that learning is life-long!
I am thrilled to be a volunteer with LiR…being a returning Nelsonite, I have found an emerging community among this diverse and interesting group of people…during a time of social distancing, I felt I was still very much connected! I have always felt that relationships develop during action, and what better action than working together to contribute to the community!
In addition to social networking, LIR offers an incredible array of stimulating presentations, a vast array of special interest workshops and opportunities to socialize in a variety of settings. While some LIR members just like to attend the sessions, many members who love to volunteer, work countless hours to ensure that programs are of the highest quality and delivered in a manner that meets the special needs of an audience of seniors.
LIR offers something for every senior – come check us out.
I am thrilled to be a volunteer with LiR…being a returning Nelsonite, I have found an emerging community among this diverse and interesting group of people…during a time of social distancing, I felt I was still very much connected! I have always felt that relationships develop during action, and what better action than working together to contribute to the community!
The benefits of being a LiR member include stimulating Friday talks and a wide range of courses to keep one’s mind engaged. The advantages of volunteering: getting to know one’s community better, and surprisingly stimulating and interesting working-together situations, like learning to run zoom sessions and sort out technical issues – who knew we could do that?!
As a recent resident of this area, I can say, the advantages of volunteering and being an active member of LiR are quickly becoming a community member, meeting great like-minded people, developing new friends and gaining new insights into learning.
Being a member of the LIR has opened the door for me to meet many bright, wise, thoughtful, interesting and active retired people from all walks of life. After retirement in 2012, I moved back to Nelson and was introduced to LIR by a former colleague/friend. I signed up and have been a member ever since. Even in retirement, I continue to broaden my worldview and learn from this group of wise and brilliant members many of whom are precious friends.
Shortly after joining the LIR, I started going early to the Friday sessions and noticed just a couple of other members being very busy getting things ready for the smooth running of the 10 am presentations. Without knowing any roles and responsibilities of the various committees, I started helping with the rearranging of tables and chairs in the room and sometimes sitting at the table helping with the attendance. Before too long, I was approached by some of the committee members to join the Program, Social and Archives Committees. If I hadn’t been involved with LIR especially volunteering, I may not have stayed in Nelson all these years.
Volunteering has brought even closer connections to LiR members and through working together with others we have moved from acquaintance to friend with many. Volunteering has also brought us a level of engagement and commitment to the goals of Learning in Retirement. We have volunteered through committees and through leading courses – both activities have provided very positive experiences and have helped to fill our retirement hours with something meaningful. We are proud of the organization and pleased to give back to something that is bringing us so much — information, shared adventures, challenge, connection. We are very glad to have this organization in our community and want to ensure its continued success.
When I agreed in the summer of 2020 to offer a course via Zoom that September, I had very little idea of how it might go, or even if it would go. It became clear from my first meeting with the Tech Team members who’d be supporting my classes that they were determined to make it work. And they did! Ultimately, we put on 12 classes together – the tech team made everything run smoothly and they made it fun. They were willing to try out new features of Zoom in order to support me in my goals for the class and they skillfully built the confidence of any participants who were new to Zoom. I am very grateful for the huge amounts of time and effort put in by the Tech Team to create thoroughly enjoyable experiences for us all.
We joined LiR six years ago and immediately felt that our retirement adventure had been ‘expanded’ – we enjoy the Friday lectures which cover such a broad range of topics and we engage in many courses which meet our desire to learn something ‘new’. We are never disappointed…classes have been engaging and the quality of instruction has been excellent. As retired teachers, we are both aware and appreciative of the time and energy that goes into every lesson. Then there is the social element – LiR has expanded our friendship circle and even during these COVID months we have enjoyed the ‘connection’ through Zoom and virtual meetings. In fact, without LiR, the long winter months would have seemed much longer!
When I moved to the Kootenays in 2017 I didn’t know a soul. Joining LiR provided me a wonderful opportunity to meet lots of interesting, engaging and active fellow retirees who remain curious about the world around us. I continue to learn about so many interesting topics, grow new friendships and connect with my community. Sharing some good hikes with LiR friends is an added bonus!
Volunteering with LiR has given me an added chance to get to know good folks while we share the work on a committee or special project. LiR committee volunteers always have time for friendly chatter, laughter and collective, supportive problem-solving. I believe the tenets of LiR are so important for our healthy senior years and I appreciate the chance to lean in with other active, curious and engaging seniors to support the cause!