teach or volunteer

 LiR Opportunities

LiR is flourishing!
Within our LiR membership, we have a wealth of life experience; we’ve travelled the world, raised families, worked at jobs, had a career, pursued hobbies, built businesses and taught others. We have an entire reservoir of knowledge that often lays fallow once we retire. LiR offers an opportunity to share your skills, experience and knowledge as a teacher, a speaker or as a volunteer.

Please consider joining the important work done throughout LiR via the link below. Your ideas, energy and support are needed and most appreciated! LiR makes a difference as do the indefatigable volunteers who join in the effort.


We actively seek out members of LiR and Members of the community to teach our multi-session courses and/or speak at the Friday Drop-ins.

Multi-Session Teaching:

These courses offer a wide range of interesting subjects that have previously included: Painting to Bridge Playing, Philosophical Thought, Years Living in China, Picture the Future, Memoir Writing, Knitting 101 and The History of the Silk Road. If you have wisdom, skills or knowledge to impart, please consider sharing your interest with fellow LiR members. The Program Committee is always welcoming new course ideas and will work with you to set up a course. To reach them use the Contact form at the bottom of this page.

Friday Presentations:

These two-hour sessions bring in speakers from the community to discuss a variety of subjects that range from the Iditarod Dog Sled Races to the Solar System, Medical Cannabis, Nelson History or local upcoming events. Contact the Program Committee if you have an idea for one of the sessions.To reach them use the Contact form at the bottom of this page.


We welcome any and all members who choose to join one of our seven committees. We appreciate your willingness to support LiR’s endeavours. Because LiR is run by volunteers, we depend upon the work of our committees.

The Committees can always use a helping hand. It’s a great way to meet new friends and contribute to the larger community and use some of that great wealth of experience you’ve picked up along the way. To reach them use the Contact form at the bottom of this page. 

See the full list of LiR Nelson’s Committees here.

LiR must be great or I wouldn’t be constantly bragging about it, and persuading strangers to join. Be a committee member and you will meet too many friends – which is good, right?

Sheila Kerr

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