It takes a small army of volunteers to put together the programs and activities of LiR. With everyone taking on a small role, we have created an entire organization that grows and thrives. We hope you can join us, and we’d love to have you on one of our committees.
The Finance Committee
Keepers of the financial records and annual budgets
Apprise the Board of all financial matters
Liaise with Selkirk College regarding charges and fees reimbursement
Anyone with a background in accounting or bookkeeping or just general interest would be warmly welcomed.
The Program Committee
Gatherers of ideas for courses
Planners and organizers of the Friday Presentations and multi-session courses
Providers of support to presenters and course instructors
Coordinators of registration with Selkirk College
Collaborators with the Communication Committee to publish course information
This is a dynamic Committee that gets an incredible amount of work done. If you have ideas, see possibilities and enjoy organizing, this Committee would be delighted to have you join them.
The Communication Committee
Publishers of The LiR News
Designers and Producers of rack cards and brochures
Writers of press releases and media feeds
Keepers of Facebook, LiR Website, MailChimp and weekly updates
Gatherers and Editors of information
Collaborators with Membership and Program Committees; and Presenters of LiR’s face to the outside world
Another busy committee that welcomes anyone with graphic design, writing, journalism, editing, media experience or someone who just likes to hang around the newsroom with the reporters.
The Social Committee
Organizers of potlucks, luncheons, holiday dinners, appreciation dinners, book clubs and the Trivia/Pub Quizzes
Decorators and Greeters at events
Providers of food and refreshments
Recorders of event attendance
Planners of new events to connect and engage members
This is the “Fun” Committee. Their planning and events stimulate and enhance social connections. If you like event planning and organizing, this committee would be pleased to have you join them.
The Tech Committee
Navigators of Zoom; Providers of Audio/Visual support for all LiR Programs
Controllers of the sight and sound of LiR
Teachers of app, video and media tricks; Masters and Teachers of Zoom
This committee has a wonderful time. They led and continue to lead LiR through online courses while training presenters, students and their own committee members. They have Incredible energy and are welcoming. They laugh a lot and want to be branded as the “gosh darn friendliest, most helpful techie team that ever was!” New members are always welcome.
The Membership Committee
Trackers and Keepers of membership data and contact info
Recruiters of new members
Consultants on regulations and expectations for the Society
Developers of a robust volunteer cadre
Promoters of LiR’s welcoming environment
and Front-Line Listeners to ideas and interests of the membership
An almost invisible but highly functional Committee that does the deep organizing and listens and responds to the pulse of the organization. A warm friendly group that welcomes new committee members.
The Safety Committee
Leaders In the event of emergencies; Supporters of the safety and well-being of all LiR members and guests
Attendees at major events
If you have ideas or expertise in this area, it would be great to have you on the committee.
The Archives Committee
Collectors and Preservers of LiR’s history
Controllers of the written words
Organizers of data
A quiet committee that works behind the scenes. They too would welcome anyone who is interested in preservation and archival material.
Being a member of LiR has allowed me to meet many interesting and interested people here in Nelson. Being new here it felt like I could belong to this community while stimulating my mind with excellent Friday morning sessions and multi-day courses as well as having meaningful social contact with so many other retirees.
Being on the social committee lets me contribute to LiR and develops a closer connection with fellow volunteers. This experience heightens my appreciation of the work all of the committees do. And as always, “The more you put in, the more you get out.” We are mutually supportive and have a lot of fun planning and attending social functions.